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Benefits after Retirement

Members who have kept their membership until the day prior to disqualification can continue to enjoy the following benefits, even after they lose their membership by retirement.
However, members will not be able to receive benefits starting on the date they become members of another mutual aid association or become insured by a health insurance.

Childbirth Benefit
1 Childbirth after Retirement

The Mutual Aid Association pays the childbirth benefit to members who have kept their membership continuously for one year or longer until the day of retirement and give birth within six months of retirement.
This benefit will not be paid if the member becomes a member of another mutual aid association or becomes insured by a health insurance during the period between the retirement and the time of childbirth, even if the birth is within six months of retirement.

Illness and Injury Benefit,
Childbirth Allowance
2 Absence from Work due to Illness or Injury

When the member who has kept his/her membership continuously for one year or longer up to the date of retirement is still receiving the illness and injury benefit or the childbirth allowance at the time of retirement, such benefit will continue to be paid for the duration in which the benefit would have been paid if the member had not retired.
This benefit will cease to be paid as of the day of an event where the member becomes qualified as a member of another mutual aid association or becomes insured by a health insurance.

If the member becomes eligible to receive the Mutual Aid Association disability pension, disability lump-sum benefit, or seniors' retirement pension benefit before the one-and-a-half-year period has elapsed,, the Association will pay the following amount:
(Daily Amount of Illness and Injury Benefit — Amount Equivalent to the Daily Amount of the above-mentioned relevant Pension) x Number of Days

Burial Benefit
3 Death after Retirement

The burial benefit is paid for members who die within three months of retirement.